Monat: Februar 2015

Sentinels of the Multiverse


Tomb of Anubis:
Chrono-Ranger (Guugle), Expatriette (Sascha), Fanatic (Vincent), Setback (lippo), Tachyon (Benjamin) vs. Iron Legacy
heros win

Wagner Mars Base:
Legacy (Sascha), Tachyon (Benjamin), Tempest (Vincent), The Visionary (Guugle), The Wraith (lippo) vs. La Capitan
heros win

Insula Primalis:
Absolute Zero (Sascha), Tachyon (Benjamin), Tempest (Vincent), The Visionary (Guugle), The Wraith (lippo) vs. Baron Blade, Friction, Ermine, Frighttrain, Proletarian
villians win (Baron Blade 25/32, Friction 0/26, Ermine 21/25, Frighttrain 31/35, Proletarian 20/20)

Realm of Discord:
K.N.Y.F.E. (Sascha), Omnitron-X (Vincent), The Argent Adept (Benjamin), The Sentinels (lippo) vs. The Dreamer
heros win

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